Here at Maid Cleanup we are big fans of the phrase, “A clean space promotes a clean mind”. The benefits of keeping your personal spaces clean and tidy are endless, and we believe that they lead to not only a more healthy environment but also a reduction in stress and fatigue! Keeping your environments clean and tidy very much comes down to your habits and more often than not keeping your home tidy requires you to do certain things every day to maintain those areas. However, one thing is for sure and that is that cleaning your home regularly whether you do it yourself or hire professionals will really assist in achieving a clean and tidy environment.
Some of the major benefits of getting your house cleaned regularly are as follows:
Reduce The Spread Of Germs

Up there as one of the most important factors for keeping your home clean and tidy is the simple fact that you will encourage a healthier environment and lessen the spreading of germs and viruses. What would surprise most people is that your kitchen is actually the area of your home that has the most germs and bacteria, with your chopping board coming in at number one for bacteria! To be precise, there is almost 200 times more bacteria on your chopping boards at home, than your toilet seat!!! If that’s not enough to gross you out, we don’t know what will.
The reason that these areas are prone to bacteria growth is due to the ease in which warm water can be dispersed amongst the areas. They should be cleaned regularly with anti-bacterial products and always cleaned/wiped thoroughly before the preparation of food.
The bathroom is also an obvious area to pay attention to, the toilet seat and the flushing handle are easily contaminated with potentially dangerous germs and bacteria so it’s important that these are regularly disinfected.
The more often these areas are cleaned the less likely germs and bacteria will spread and therefore the higher level of health benefit.
Lowering stress and fatigue
One of the biggest reasons we believe it is important to have your house regularly cleaned and keep it tidy is the fact that it literally lowers your stress and fatigue. Imagine the feeling you get when you walk in to a beautifully prepared, 5-start hotel room. Everything is neat and tidy, the bed is made is made, the room smells fresh and you immediately feel relaxed and comfortable. Now compare that to the feeling of walking through your front door, there are toys everywhere, benchtops are full of last nights dishes and the floors haven’t been cleaned for weeks. If you experienced any stress in the day, it certainly was not eased when you walked in the front door.
Getting your place regularly cleaned and tidied will really help in easing the stress you feel when you come home and spend time relaxing. As mentioned previously, keeping your home tidy is something that often will have to come from you and your habits each day, but keeping the house clean is something you can do yourself, of book a professional cleaning service to do for you.
Reducing Allergies and Dust
This one is also high on the list and can affect some people more than others. If you have found yourself sneezing more and more in your home and its not hay-fever season, chances are you are experiencing a build up of dust and the developing of some kind of allergy. Some people are affected by this more than others, with some needing to clean and dust their homes almost every day due to dust allergies. It’s been proven that exposing yourself to dust and dampness can actually worsen allergies and asthma, so its definitely worth keeping a look out for.
Dust mites, pet dander and mould can find their way in to your possessions and trigger allergies, asthma and actually decrease air quality. The more items and belongings you have in your home, the harder it is to clean and the more likely you will be to find (or not find!) build ups of dust and mould.
Improving Safety
A clean and tidy home also means a safe home. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are injured at home and most would be shocked to hear that many of these injuries could have been easily avoided if their home had been kept cleaner and tidier. For example, common injuries include slipping on wet bathroom floors, falling over objects left in hallways and falling down stairs due to cluttered floors.
Therefore one of the most direct reasons to keep your home clean and tidy is to avoid you, or your family having an accident and causing physical harm to themselves.
Lower Chance of Pests
Hearing the scuttle of a mouse or seeing the creepy tendrils of a cockroach is not in many peoples number one priorities for the day. Keeping your home tidy and having it regularly cleaned will definitely help in keeping pesky rodents and other pests away.
Bugs and rodents are attracted to liquids, food spills and even dirty pet bowls and not only do most people find them gross to look at, they are also chronic spreaders of disease, bacteria, allergies and germs.
Regularly cleaning your home, keeping work/bench spaces clean and tidy, sealing used food and removing rubbish bags from your home daily will really help in reducing your chances of a pest infestation!
Book your weekly, bi weekly, or monthly recurring home cleaning now with Maid Cleanup